What is ATM Business Guide??

ATM Business Guide is an impactful digital course teaching you the important steps needed to start and run a profitable ATM business, an exceedingly simple way to create passive income.

This well structured 5-week guide has my proven methods used to open and maintain business bank accounts, it teaches you how to correctly structure your business, find the right locations, marketing and so much more.

My main objective is to teach you everything that has worked for me in this business so you can run and scale your very own ATM business by yourself!! By the end of this training you can expect to know every crucial step there is to take in order to run a SUCCESSFUL ATM business.

Meet your coach

My name is Erika Edney, I am a 26 year old full time mother of 3 and I'm what is considered a serial entrepreneur. In 2019 I started my very own ATM business, to create an additional stream of income for my household, which turned into so much more.

Once I decided to take the energy I was investing into someone els’s company and focus solely on my own business, I was able to scale, rebrand and nurture what is now my MAIN source of income. When the pandemic hit, so many people were out of work, however my business was still standing. And after seeing the struggles many people were facing when trying to start a business, I decided to share the knowledge I acquired from previous trainings, research and putting the work in to learn exactly what this business takes.

I have learned a lot about this business hands on. My proudest moment was taking a chance on myself, giving my company time to grow and allowing myself time to learn from the mistakes. I was able to gain a lot of experience by facing major challenges. Which is why I created this course to get you through the process as smoothly as possible. 

Opening a business bank account

Having a business bank account set up THE RIGHT WAY is essential when running this type of business. In order to secure a strong banking relationship I will walk you through my proven methods used to avoid some big mistakes people make during this process.

Locking In Locations

I will provide you with a list of ideal locations that I have separated in 3 different tiers, as well as a cold calling script and the exact email templates I use for contact.

We will prepare for your meetings and I will show you ways I seal the deal.


I will show you how to market and provide you with the tools needed to maximize your profit. Marketing tools include proposal letter, cold calling script, and email template.

This course IS a good fit for you if....

  • You are an ambitious go getter wanting financial freedom as your end result.
  • You are just looking for another source of passive income.
  • You are looking to start your own business but just don't know where to start.
  • You have a business idea in mind, but just don't have the money to fund it.
  • You would like to literally make money in your sleep.
  • You are willing to invest in yourself and put in the necessary work to become successful.

This course is NOT a good fit for you if...

  • You are NOT coachable!
  • You have NO interest in elevating to the next level in your life, career or financial status.
  • You have NO intension of applying pressure, and implementing EVERY step in this guide.


Aren't ATMs only owned by the bank?

No, actually most ATMs you see are independently owned!

How much is an ATM?

The price for a machine can range from anywhere between $1,700-$5,000. You can purchase them refurbished or brand new!

How do I make a profit?

You will charge a service fee or surcharge to use your machine. You will make money every time a customer withdrawals money!

Do I need a huge capital to get started?

No, unlike other businesses, you will not need a whole lot of money to get started. Cool thing is, there are other ways to fill your machine without using your own money.

How long will I have access to this course?

You will have lifetime access to this course as well as our private Facebook group.

Do you offer refunds?

Since knowledge can not just be forgotten, I have a strict no refund policy, no exceptions.

How can ATM Business Guide benefit me?

Who couldn't use another source of income? This guide will teach you how to create passive income without having to work for hours on end. Once you put in the work to secure locations, you can sit back and literally make money in your sleep.

This course is closed for enrollment.